Sample Book Club Questions for Discussion

Which was your favorite poem? Why?

What did you like about the art? How did the art change your experience of the book? How would it have been different? It was if it was photography or cartoon or abstract?

What part of the story did you most relate to?

How did bravery play into the book? What seemed the most brave?

Is Morning Leaves a gift book? If so, who would you give it to? When? Why?

Is the book more sad or hopeful?

Have you found that creativity helps you work through challenging times?

What was the role of the pandemic in the book? Did you connect to her explanation of the pandemic?

In the acknowledgments, Laing lists the people who helped her work out the "why" of writing the book. What do you think she meant?

Did you read the book straight through? Why or why not?

She refers to the poems as a secret garden and in the Resources, she points to a Jordan Peterson video about the Garden of Eden. What do you think of the connection? Is she describing a spiritual journey?

Laing seems to at times want to escape - into the clouds, under the water, or up to the top of the ancient pine. Is that weakness? Avoidance? Taking a break? Understandable?

What is your interpretation of the wolf in the dark ancient pine?

How does motherhood play into the book?  

Do you relate to the daughter?  How do children serve as mirrors?

What is the role of judgment in the book?

What is the role of beauty in the book?

What sticks with you most?

Will you go back and revisit it?